ReactOS Tutorials (Documentation)
NT kernel source tree
Windows Server 2003 kernel source tree
What you're seeing here is the NT kernel source tree layout of Windows Server 2003 (Service Pack 2). The source layout of Windows Server 2003 kernel is structured in
a directory called ntos whereas base serves as the base operating system directory of Windows as a whole. You may wonder though, how did I obtain the said
source layout of the NT kernel?
Debug checked system files contain debug information details in the binary files, alongside with source tree path strings. These strings are embedded within the checked
files which are used by RtlAssert
function. These strings can be obtained with Strings (Sysinternals).
Mark Russinovich also published the kernel layout tree of Windows XP Beta 2, here.
Although at the core the layout is basically the same between Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP Beta 2, there are some slight differences with some additional files being added.
- d:
- base
- ntos
- arb (PnP Resource Arbiter)
- cache (Cache Manager -- Cc)
- cachesub.c
- ccperf.c
- copysup.c
- fssup.c
- lazyrite.c
- mdlsup.c
- pinsup.c
- prefboot.c
- prefetch.c
- prefparm.c
- vacbsup.c
- config (Configuration Registry Manager)
- i386
- geninst.c
- parseini.c
- rules.c
- cmalloc.c
- cmapi.c
- cmapi2.c
- cmboot.c
- cmchek.c
- cmchek2.c
- cmclose.c
- cmconfig.c
- cmcontrl.c
- cmdelay.c
- cmdelete.c
- cmdown.c
- cmgquota.c
- cmhook.c
- cmhvlist.c
- cmindex.c
- cminit.c
- cmmapvw.c
- cmnotify.c
- cmparse.c
- cmparse2.c
- cmsavres.c
- cmse.c
- cmsecache.c
- cmsubs.c
- cmsubs2.c
- cmsubs3.c
- cmsysini.c
- cmsysini.c
- cmtrecpy.c
- cmtredel.c
- cmtree.c
- cmvalue.c
- cmworker.c
- cmwrapr.c
- cmwrapr2.c
- hivebin.c
- hivecell.c
- hivechek.c
- hivefree.c
- hivehint.c
- hiveinit.c
- hiveload.c
- hivemap.c
- hivesync.c
- hwprofil.c
- ntapi.c
- dbgk (User-Mode Debugging Support)
- dbgkobj.c
- dbgkport.c
- dbgkproc.c
- ex (Kernel Executive)
- callback.c
- exatom.c
- exhotp.c
- exinit.c
- handle.c
- harderr.c
- hdlsterm.c
- keyedevent.c
- pool.c
- probe.c
- profile.c
- pushlock.c
- resource.c
- rundown.c
- sysinfo.c
- systime.c
- uuid.c
- win32.c
- worker.c
- xipdisp.c
- fsrtl (File System Run-Time library)
- dbcsname.c
- fastio.c
- faulttol.c
- filelock.c
- filtrctx.c
- fsfilter.c
- fsrtlpc.c
- largemcb.c
- name.c
- notify.c
- oplock.c
- pnp.c
- tunnel.c
- unc.c
- drivesup.c
- ex.c
- halfnc.c
- translate.c
- inc (Header Files)
- init (Kernel system initialization)
- io (I/O and PnP managers)
- cancelapi.c
- complete.c
- create.c
- dev2dos.c
- dir.c
- dumpctl.c
- errorlog.c
- internal.c
- ioinit.c
- ioperf.c
- iosubs.c
- ioverifier.c
- loadunld.c
- lock.c
- misc.c
- objsup.c
- open.c
- parse.c
- qsea.c
- qsfs.c
- qsinfo.c
- qsquota.c
- query.c
- read.c
- triage.c
- write.c
- assign.c
- convert.c
- devices.c
- devintrf.c
- devnode.c
- dockhwp.c
- iofileutil.c
- mapper.c
- notify.c
- pnpbusno.c
- pnpdd.c
- pnpdel.c
- pnpdma.c
- pnpenum.c
- pnpevent.c
- pnpinit.c
- pnpioapi.c
- pnpirp.c
- pnpirq.c
- pnpmap.c
- pnpmemio.c
- pnppower.c
- pnpres.c
- pnprlist.c
- pnpstart.c
- pnpsubs.c
- ppcddb.c
- ppcontrol.c
- ppdrvdb.c
- pphotswap.c
- pppagepath.c
- ppprofile.c
- remlock.c
- report.c
- i386
- iovutil.c
- netboot.c
- sessnirp.c
- trackirp.c
- kd64 (64-bit Kernel Debugger)
- ke (Kernel)
- i386
- allproc.c
- apcuser.c
- biosc.c
- callback.c
- cyrix.c
- exceptn.c
- flushtb.c
- gdtsup.c
- intobj.c
- kernlini.c
- largepag.c
- misc.c
- mtrr.c
- mtrramd.c
- pat.c
- vdm.c
- apcobj.c
- apcsup.c
- balmgr.c
- bugcheck.c
- devquobj.c
- dpcobj.c
- dpcsup.c
- eventobj.c
- gateobj.c
- idsched.c
- miscc.c
- mutntobj.c
- procobj.c
- profobj.c
- queueobj.c
- semphobj.c
- thredobj.c
- thredsup.c
- timerobj.c
- timersup.c
- wait.c
- waitsup.c
- yield.c
- lpc (Local Procedure Call)
- lpcclose.c
- lpccompl.c
- lpcconn.c
- lpccreat.c
- lpclistn.c
- lpcpriv.c
- lpcquery.c
- lpcqueue.c
- lpcrecv.c
- lpcreply.c
- lpcsend.c
- mm (Memory Manager)
- i386
- acceschk.c
- addrsup.c
- allocpag.c
- allocvm.c
- crashdmp.c
- creasect.c
- debugsup.c
- deleteva.c
- dmpaddr.c
- dynmem.c
- extsect.c
- flushsec.c
- forksup.c
- freevm.c
- hypermap.c
- iosup.c
- lockvm.c
- mapcache.c
- mapview.c
- mirror.c
- mmfault.c
- mminit.c
- mmpatch.c
- mmquota.c
- mmsup.c
- modwrite.c
- pagfault.c
- pfndec.c
- pfnlist.c
- pfsup.c
- physical.c
- procsup.c
- protect.c
- querysec.c
- queryvm.c
- readwrt.c
- sectsup.c
- session.c
- sessload.c
- shutdown.c
- specpool.c
- sysload.c
- sysptes.c
- triage.c
- umapview.c
- vadtree.c
- verifier.c
- wrtfault.c
- wrtwatch.c
- wslist.c
- wsmanage.c
- wstree.c
- zeropage.c
- ob (Object Manager)
- obclose.c
- obcreate.c
- obdevmap.c
- obdir.c
- obhandle.c
- obinit.c
- obinsert.c
- oblink.c
- obquery.c
- obref.c
- obsdata.c
- obse.c
- obtype.c
- obvutil.c
- obwait.c
- perf (Performance Monitoring Manager)
- po (Power Manager)
- attrib.c
- hiber.c
- idle.c
- misc.c
- notify.c
- ntapi.c
- paction.c
- pbatt.c
- pidle.c
- pinfo.c
- pocall.c
- poinit.c
- poshtdwn.c
- postate.c
- pwork.c
- switch.c
- sys.c
- sysdev.c
- thermal.c
- throttle.c
- ps (Process Manager)
- i386
- psctx386.c
- psldt.c
- psvdm.c
- create.c
- pscid.c
- psctx.c
- psdelete.c
- psenum.c
- pshelper.c
- psinit.c
- psjob.c
- psopen.c
- psquery.c
- psquota.c
- psspnd.c
- security.c
- raw (Unmounted File System Driver)
- cleanup.c
- close.c
- create.c
- fileinfo.c
- fsctrl.c
- rawdisp.c
- readwrit.c
- strucsup.c
- strucsup.c
- volinfo.c
- rtl (Run-Time Kernel Library)
- i386
- acledit.c
- atom.c
- avltable.c
- bitmap.c
- bootstatus.c
- checksum.c
- cnvint.c
- compress.c
- excptdbg.c
- gen8dot3.c
- gentable.c
- guid.c
- heap.c
- ldrreloc.c
- ldrrsrc.c
- lznt1.c
- message.c
- nls.c
- nlsxlat.c
- prefix.c
- prodtype.c
- random.c
- range.c
- regutil.c
- rtlassig.c
- rtldowncaseunicodechar.c
- rtlvalidateunicodestring.c
- sertl.c
- string.c
- tracedb.c
- version.c
- se (Security Monitoring Manager)
- accessck.c
- adtinit.c
- adtlog.c
- adtutil.c
- capture.c
- privileg.c
- rmaudit.c
- rmlogon.c
- rmmain.c
- rmvars.c
- seassign.c
- seastate.c
- seaudit.c
- seclient.c
- seglobal.c
- seinit.c
- semethod.c
- sepaudit.c
- subject.c
- token.c
- tokenadj.c
- tokendup.c
- tokenopn.c
- tokenp.h
- tokenqry.c
- tokenset.c
- vdm (Virtual DOS Machine)
- rdwr.c
- strtexec.c
- vdmentry.c
- vdmfault.c
- vdminit.c
- vdmints.c
- vdmnpx.c
- vdmprint.c
- vdmtib.c
- verifier (Driver verifier)
- vfddi.c
- vfdeadlock.c
- vfdevobj.c
- vffilter.c
- vfgeneric.c
- vfhal.c
- vfirp.c
- vfirpdb.c
- vfirplog.c
- vfmessage.c
- vfpacket.c
- vfpnp.c
- vfpower.c
- vfwmi.c
- wmi (Windows Management Instrumentation)
- i386
- alloc.c
- api.c
- callouts.c
- chunk.c
- consumer.c
- dataprov.c
- ds.c
- enabdisa.c
- globalog.c
- mca.c
- notify.c
- provider.c
- register.c
- secure.c
- smbios.c
- traceapi.c
- tracelog.c
- tracesup.c
- wmi.c