Sets the LDT information to a specific process given the process executive.
NTSTATUS NTAPI PspSetLdtInformation( IN PEPROCESS Process, IN PROCESS_LDT_INFORMATION LdtInformation, IN ULONG InformationLength)
Process is a pointer to a EPROCESS structure, the executive process. LdtInformation contains information about Local Descriptor Table (LDT) entries. InformationLength is the size length, in bytes, of the second parameter which is LdtInformation. The function returns a NTSTATUS value, that is, STATUS_SUCCESS if the operation completed successfully or STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION if a specific address is invalid or not allowable for read/write that the caller tried to access it.
- _SEH_prolog - ExAllocatePoolWithQuotaTag - PspIsDescriptorValid - KeWaitForSingleObject - ExFreePoolWithTag (called 4 times) - ExAllocatePoolWithTag - Ke386SetLdtProcess (called 4 times) - PsReturnProcessNonPagedPoolQuota (called 2 times) - PspCreateLdt (called 2 times) - PsChargeProcessNonPagedPoolQuota (called 2 times) - KeReleaseMutex - Ke386SetDescriptorProcess (called 2 times) - _SEH_epilog