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 PsChangeJobMemoryUsage function

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 🢂 PsChangeJobMemoryUsage


This function changes the memory usage of a specific process Executive job.

   Internals & Parameters

   IN ULONG Constant,
   IN SSIZE_T UsageAmount)

Constant is a parameter that must be set with a constant value of 10 (0x00000010) with the behaviour of this constant being discovered in Windows Server 2003. Currently it's yet to be understood what is the purpose of this parameter and what is it needed for. UsageAmount indicates the size difference, the necessary amount for the new memory usage to be changed for the job. The last parameter takes a signed integer value to describe the size. It's worth noting the parameter can take a negative integer which is also left to be understood the reasoning behind this.

This function is called from various places of the NT kernel, notably from MiRemoveVadCharges and NtAllocateVirtualMemory. It returns TRUE when the function completed successfully at changing the memory usage of a job, FALSE otherwise.

   Called Functions

         - KiAcquireGuardedMutex
         - IoSetIoCompletion
         - KeSignalGateBoostPriority
         - KiCheckForKernelApcDelivery